Flowers and Other Decorations
To assist you in selecting your florist, please see our vendor page. We generally recommend two arrangements on either side of the altar. The church does not provide an aisle runner. If desired, this item may be rented from most floral companies. At St. Teresa’s Church there is no center aisle; rather, there are two side aisles. We would also ask that decorations not be taped or nailed to the pews. Some florists have clips that work nicely and others simply tie them on with beautiful ribbons. Your cooperation is most appreciated.
Due to the danger to yourselves and your guests, we cannot allow the throwing of rice or birdseed, confetti, or flower petals in either the church or in the parking lot. Artificial flower petals are allowed indoors only and it is your responsibility to see that all are picked up and disposed of immediately after the ceremony.
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